Thursday, July 30, 2009

anxious and waiting.

i'm pacing and anxious.
should i shower or not?
do i call andy now, or wait?

cucky's gonna have a baby.

she can barely breathe through her contractions.
she's in a lot of pain -
and just thought her water broke.

this is it..
this is how miracles happen.
right in front of you -
when you least expect it.

a baby's going to be born.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

barefoot and purgatory.

Newport was the destination.
We packed our lunch and headed out -
Windows down with the AC blasting.
Sharing cigarettes and laughter.

As the motor whirled to a slight halt
"PURGATORY" I shouted.
He looked over, with his baseball hat
pointing straight at me and said
"You said that was the FIRST place you
wanted to take me"
And with a smile he shifted gears
turning our Ford Escort in that direction.

When we arrived the park was packed
little people and their parents wandering...
We took a leap and walked down the Chasm
"Why aren't we wearing sneakers" He asked -
And I just kept on walking.


As we met with strangers climbing the same path
we took small routes and climbed up cliffs
And looked down overboard.

The sun was hot and the air was thick-
Humid to the point where you can see it
As we hiked through the Chasm
He could hardly believe it.

Jagged rocky cliffs that reach higher than the sky
And even if they really don't
it sure does seem it passing by.
Fresh water springs that run below
with mud that wants to trap you
And trees that drop colored leafs
every step or two.

We ventured to the river
the rocks were covered in moss
and tiny fogs hopped, hopped along
as if to show us their journey
and giving us a message.

We continued walking down by the river
and sat in a crystal clear pool of water
Icey coldness that wants to sting your feet
but instead you find it refreshing.

Two by two we hiked that path
getting lost along the way
Sweat pouring down our hearts
but we knew no other way.
We followed the blue dots.

Alls we had was eachother
one foot bare and one foot not
And what we really climbed that day
Was the irony in what purgatory had really taught us...


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Buckets are good for something.

My days have been filled - Up, Up, Up.
All of the moments wouldn't fit in a cup;
I'd need a ten gallon bucket.

And maybe even then - that wouldn't do.
But who would've knew, who would've knew?

My days have been filled - Full.

Full of happiness and pursuit.
It feels so good to go this route.

So as I grab my ten gallon bucket
I'll prepare for something greater
And yes it's true as big as it gets-
I owe it all to my creator.

[yeah, i'm in that kinda mood]

Sunday, July 19, 2009

it's times like these you learn to live again <3

in the last week i have learned that cooking eggs on a campfire is classic. that spooning in a tent definitely keeps you warm. that late nights with girls that you actually forgot you LOVED so much demands a permanent spot on your "to do" list and that there's no better way to sleep then to be lulled by the ocean while you're cuddled up with the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

it's times like these that you learn to live again. it just goes to show that you don't need a fancy car.. just one that runs, is cheap on gas - and gets you were you need to go. you don't need a fancy engagement ring..just a lover that shows over-and-over again that he loves you. you don't need to spoil your child with material things.. spend a day at the ocean. and good friends are never lost.. all you have to do is get together with them.

there's no real way to express everything that i've experienced the past 10 days. i feel blessed. i am happy that these positive experiences help ME to put forward positive experiences. but when there's an up, there's always a down. and perhaps this up could last minutes, days or even months - but it could also end now.

i'm thankful.

thankful for the water that floats that boat, the fire that burns that wood to keep us warm, the perfect timing of spirit that brings together old friends and for the love that ties it all together.


Friday, July 17, 2009

It's true - You win some, you lose some.

I had a great day yesterday.


I arrived at my clients home and spoke with her for a moment. After exchanging a few words and instructions I got to work straight away. I sweat, I hurt my legs from bending a certain way and I busted my big american ass all morning long re-living the term "elbow grease".

After meeting with another new client yesterday evening - I got home and checked in with my email account. The client that I had earlier that morning had emailed me... Not once, Or twice - But THREE times.

1. "hey kara, can you call me THANKS"

2. "hey kara, the second bathroom wasn't done, could you fit it in sometime this week? THANKS"

3. "kara, i will no longer need your services i am unsatisfied with the cleaning".


I worked all morning, and hard, to get a thorough cleaning done at her place in the allotted time and I even spent MORE than that.

This is a learning experience. You know - You win some, and You definitely will lose some...But the important thing is that I keep trying.

I have to remind myself, over and over again, That I did nothing wrong. Sometimes you cannot satisfy everyone. Even if you do bust your ass to clean house at a cheaper rate than every other cleaner in the county.

Kara's Cleaning
All clean done green!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

dream on.

good morning.

it's another one of them things, what-a-we call 'em - "days".

it's another one of them days. i was peacefully sleeping off in my protective bubble that we label as "dreaming" when i was awoken to begin my day. how is it that we are forced to wake up BEFORE the sun?

i refuse to have a bad day today. only minutes from now i must wake up the busy toddler - guide him in the correct direction, chug my "good morning" tea and inhale something that should be considered a healthy meal. then i must get into my automobile, after explaining to the toddler that it's okay... "we're going bubeye, it's gonna be okay, we can do this when we get there", drive myself to my destination and continue on-ward from there.

good morning world.

i was happier dreaming.
however, this is where i have to stop myself.
dreaming is fantasy, THIS, is reality.

dream on.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

come one, come all.

the greatest gift i've been granted -motherhood.
the only strength that i truly have - believing.
understanding that you live to change - relieving.


the only things you need to know [about me]

My photo
i'm a farmers wife and a proud mother of two boys. i was born in the 80's, but shoulda been the 30's. nature is my heaven and i enjoy talking to animals. i'm a collector of heart shaped rocks and a believer in angels. if you were to catch me on my worst day i'd be having an anxiety attack over someone elses problem - catch me on my best day and i'm singing a lovely song or playing the guitar. classic rock is my preferred genre of music and i've been a story teller since i was a young child. the farm is owned by the community and is located one mile from the famous walden pond. a piece of myself still resides in indiana where my mothers from. i live to spread hope. i live to thrive. i live to change.