Monday, August 3, 2009


it never ceases to amaze me.. the pure power of a human being. the power of actually LISTENING to your heart. the power of healing.

we always "look" for answers. is it here? is it there? can you answer this? that answer wasn't good enough... when the answer to all of our questions are truly in our hearts. whether they're resting in a dream or manifesting within the objects surrounding you.. we always know the answers.

it's all black and white.

you can do what you know is right - or you can convince yourself that the right is wrong. and convincing yourself that the right is wrong really takes more effort [no wonder why you're tired!] so often we ignore the ping in our heads.. the fast palpitations of our hearts or the anxiety that will consume you if you insist on listening. our heart is truly the drum of our life. everyone dances, just some dance differently.

we all have the ability to heal. put your hands on what's hurting and actually MAKE IT better. visualize positive things happening within yourself - switch off from the hurt and switch on to goodness, health, love, life.

if we all go back to our basic instincts.. the ones that we've known since we were born. the ones that alerts you when danger walks in the room, the one that tells you to slow down your fast moving car - what would our lives be like?

have you ever watched fish swimming in an aquarium? they all float on without bothering each other. without getting in the way of another space, all so different - and yet... live peacefully.

this is something that i practice peacefully.

it would be nice to have more humans on my side.
let's live to change, live to heal, actually feel the love that we were all born with.


the only things you need to know [about me]

My photo
i'm a farmers wife and a proud mother of two boys. i was born in the 80's, but shoulda been the 30's. nature is my heaven and i enjoy talking to animals. i'm a collector of heart shaped rocks and a believer in angels. if you were to catch me on my worst day i'd be having an anxiety attack over someone elses problem - catch me on my best day and i'm singing a lovely song or playing the guitar. classic rock is my preferred genre of music and i've been a story teller since i was a young child. the farm is owned by the community and is located one mile from the famous walden pond. a piece of myself still resides in indiana where my mothers from. i live to spread hope. i live to thrive. i live to change.